Join the Green Rush
We provide investors with opportunities to benefit from the BIPOC cannabis sector in a meaningful way. Our proprietary platform provides investors a unique opportunity to buy single purpose buildings that they lease to marijuana related businesses, and that they can subsequently sell at a profit. Our expertise will provide you with access to many of the brightest minds in this growing sector while our network of investors helps us connect to capital faster and cheaper than our competitors. We invite you to join us on our journey as we embark on what has been an exciting and extraordinary ride, and we would like you to experience the potential financial growth that lies ahead.
H2FE, Inc. partners with companies and individuals, who are looking to invest in the fastest growing market in the country. Our home based business model makes being a cannabis investor or entrepreneur easier than ever.
 Learn about why cannabis real estate is poised to be the next safe haven for investing and how to spot the best opportunities. The Cannabis industry is growing fast, but there's still a lot of opportunity for those looking to invest early. Learn about how self-directed 401k's and IRAs are different from traditional investment vehicles, the risks and rewards of investing in cannabis real estate, and how you can get started today!